“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”~Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation
“Prana” is the one life force that permeates all living things and in fact all matter. This is also known as “Maha Prana” or ``great prana. In the human body, this universal energy of the prana has been observed to move in specific ways in specific regions in the body, regulating and controlling physical and mental function. The word vayu translates as "wind," connoting an all-pervading movement. The root ‘va’ means “that which flows” – and so a vayu is a vehicle for activities and experiences within the body, or a “force” that moves throughout the system controlling functions such as digestion, respiration, nerve impulses act. Prana in more simple terms is associated with the movements and energy of our breathing. Prana is more than the breath as it really encompass the energy we derive from our breathing as our life force. The larger idea of prana is placed into five subcategories.
This model gives us a representation of our energy circulation Udana Vayu “that which carries upward” It rules the region of the throat and head,and is seated specifically in the throat. It also rules muscle function and strength in the extremities as well as the sensory function of the eyes, ears and nose. The energy and movement of Udana is particularly stimulated by Jalandhara Bandha. Ether or space is the element associated with this vayu. Prana Vayu “forward moving air” This is the energy of life force. This is the propulsive energy that sets things into motion and its vital energy supplies the positive energy for all the other vayus. The energy known as prana vayu governs the region from the abdomen or diaphragm to the base of the throat, corresponding to Jalandhara bandha (see bandhas). The “seat” of the prana vayu is the heart, and this vayu ensures that the heart goes on beating. It is associated with the element of air. Samana Vayu “the balancing air” Located primarily in the region between the navel and the heart (solar plexus), and its seat is said to be in the navel. It is the controlling power of the metabolism or “digestive fire” and the functioning of the digestive organs and glands. Samana vayu is associated with the element of fire. Apana Vayu “the air that moves away” This is the energy of elimination. The dominant energy of Apana vayu is a downward and outward movement. Its energy moves primarily in the lower abdomen from the navel to the floor of the pelvis. Apana is the aspect of the prana that governs the ability to eject or eliminate what is not needed to the system. Apana vayu is associated with the element of earth. The seat of the apana vayu is in the core of the pelvis, and it governs from the navel to the perineum, corresponding to the area in which we practice Mula bandha. Prana and Apana vayu can have both a downward movement in the body as well as an upward movement* within its primary region. Vayana Vayu “outward moving air, air of circulation” This vayu pervades the whole body, and is a coordinating, connecting force. It has no specific seat, but rather coordinates all the powers such as sensory awareness, and runs through the whole network of the 72,000 nadis or passageways of prana in the body, connecting the functions of the nerves, veins, muscles and joints and circulates nutrients and energy. Its function is cohesive and is associated with the element of water. Vayana vayu is fundamental to making one feel and function as an integrated whole. Pay attention to each region as you breath. Notice where you feel your breath travel easily or where you may feel resistance. We can work to balance the flow of the five winds with yoga asanas, and pranayamas to increase the health of our body and mind. Learn more with Chris Loebsack Upcoming Course: Boundless Breath: The Power of Pranayama January 8-10th, 2025
Boundless Yoga Staff & StudentsWe are continuously interested on how our reactions and responses to our personal journeys, albeit travel, adventure, new job, etc. mirror and reflect our social, emotional and spiritual ups and downs. We try every day to apply what we learn about ourselves on the yoga mat to our personal lives. Thank you for tuning in as we share some of those aspects with you. Archives
December 2024