Mindfulness for Children Training w/ Kelly Mae and Deven Sisler
Zoom Online Training
January 24th-March 14th, 2023
Boundless Yoga is super excited to partner with True Self Yoga in Olympia Washington, Kelli Mae Willis and Deven Sisler for this awesome online educational opportunity.
Do you wish the children in your life had more tools for resilience and stress reduction? Do you wish you could support them, but you don’t know how? We have partnered with Deven Sisler and Kelli Mae Willis to bring you a Mindfulness for Children Training to give you these tools in 2023.
Topics we’ll cover
WHEN and time commitment: Please note the timezone along with the times!
This training includes a commitment to a daily meditation practice for 2.5 months:
Eight (8) Tuesdays January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 31st, March 7th & 14th 4-5:30 p PST
Two (2) Sundays February 5th & March 12th 12p-3p PST/ (3-6p EST)
1.5 hours of homework each week including, but not limited to: daily meditation, podcasts, journaling
WHERE: Online Live via ZOOM
We believe this training is so important for kids and adults that we want to make it more assesible. As such we are offering the ability to pick your own price point on an honor system.
Supporting: $425 (I can afford the little extra to off set or students who cannot afford the full price)
Regular Tuition: $350
Value Tuition for those who need it: $200
What you receive: Meditation tools to share with children right away; inspiring community; seasoned mentors; a certificate of completion; 30 hours towards Yoga Alliance Kids Yoga Teacher Training or CEU’s. OR Apply this as a module to the Boundless Yoga 300 hour Teacher Training Program
Mindfulness practices for children relieve stress, build emotional resilience, and support a child’s ability to learn. This 30 hour training will give you the tools to share a myriad of helpful mindfulness techniques with children. Through this training, you will explore and understand the power of self-regulation, co-regulation and attunement with children.
We have crafted this training to meet you exactly where you are as a working parent, busy educator, or engaged grandparent. In order to support the children in our lives, we need to support our own well-being and regulation. For this training, we will commit to daily meditation and mindfulness practices that enable us to be available to attunement with children.
Click this link to register
Read on for a note from Deven Sisler about what inspired her to create this training.
When I was young, I struggled with overwhelm, anxiety and undiagnosed depression. Outwardly, I seemed to be thriving and even excelled in my endeavors. I seemed fine, but I wasn’t. When I discovered meditation and mindfulness as an adult, it helped me build a foundation of inner awareness, self-acceptance, and fortitude. I often wonder who I might be if I had found those practices earlier in my life. Have you ever wondered the same?
While we can’t go back in time, we can make use of these tools today to support ourselves and the children around us. We can provide support to families and our communities here and now. Neuroscience studies show that the practices of mindfulness and meditation can even change the epigenetic patterns our children inherit, which can promote protection and resilience in the nervous system.
Combo Bio: Kelli Mae Willis & Deven Sisler have a combined thirty years of teaching experience for kids, families and adults. They are both parents, meditators, and happy dog owners. They have been frolleagues (friends + colleagues) in studentship and teaching since before Facebook and Instagram existed. ;)
Do you wish the children in your life had more tools for resilience and stress reduction? Do you wish you could support them, but you don’t know how? We have partnered with Deven Sisler and Kelli Mae Willis to bring you a Mindfulness for Children Training to give you these tools in 2023.
Topics we’ll cover
- Regulation and co-regulation
- Foundations of mindfulness and meditation
- Understanding the “window of tolerance”
- Mindful storytelling and movement activities
- Anatomy, physiology, and the nervous system
- Techniques for falling asleep, dealing with stress, anxiety, and social emotional challenges
WHEN and time commitment: Please note the timezone along with the times!
This training includes a commitment to a daily meditation practice for 2.5 months:
Eight (8) Tuesdays January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 31st, March 7th & 14th 4-5:30 p PST
Two (2) Sundays February 5th & March 12th 12p-3p PST/ (3-6p EST)
1.5 hours of homework each week including, but not limited to: daily meditation, podcasts, journaling
WHERE: Online Live via ZOOM
We believe this training is so important for kids and adults that we want to make it more assesible. As such we are offering the ability to pick your own price point on an honor system.
Supporting: $425 (I can afford the little extra to off set or students who cannot afford the full price)
Regular Tuition: $350
Value Tuition for those who need it: $200
What you receive: Meditation tools to share with children right away; inspiring community; seasoned mentors; a certificate of completion; 30 hours towards Yoga Alliance Kids Yoga Teacher Training or CEU’s. OR Apply this as a module to the Boundless Yoga 300 hour Teacher Training Program
Mindfulness practices for children relieve stress, build emotional resilience, and support a child’s ability to learn. This 30 hour training will give you the tools to share a myriad of helpful mindfulness techniques with children. Through this training, you will explore and understand the power of self-regulation, co-regulation and attunement with children.
We have crafted this training to meet you exactly where you are as a working parent, busy educator, or engaged grandparent. In order to support the children in our lives, we need to support our own well-being and regulation. For this training, we will commit to daily meditation and mindfulness practices that enable us to be available to attunement with children.
Click this link to register
Read on for a note from Deven Sisler about what inspired her to create this training.
When I was young, I struggled with overwhelm, anxiety and undiagnosed depression. Outwardly, I seemed to be thriving and even excelled in my endeavors. I seemed fine, but I wasn’t. When I discovered meditation and mindfulness as an adult, it helped me build a foundation of inner awareness, self-acceptance, and fortitude. I often wonder who I might be if I had found those practices earlier in my life. Have you ever wondered the same?
While we can’t go back in time, we can make use of these tools today to support ourselves and the children around us. We can provide support to families and our communities here and now. Neuroscience studies show that the practices of mindfulness and meditation can even change the epigenetic patterns our children inherit, which can promote protection and resilience in the nervous system.
Combo Bio: Kelli Mae Willis & Deven Sisler have a combined thirty years of teaching experience for kids, families and adults. They are both parents, meditators, and happy dog owners. They have been frolleagues (friends + colleagues) in studentship and teaching since before Facebook and Instagram existed. ;)