Thank you to all who are participating in our pranayama series. Below ore the notes from the sessions to help you with your home practice.
Week 1: Introduction to Pranayama Pranayama (Mastery of the breath) is the 4th limb of the eight limb yoga system. Pranayama Concepts
Anatomy (Physical) Breath Pathway: (Nose/Mouth>Pharynx (Throat) past the epiglottis (Transitional flap that keeps food out of the lungs this will cover the trachea when we are eating) past Larynx (Voice box)> Trachea (5” long tube) >Lungs
Bandhas (locks)/Mudras (Seals/Gestures) Jiva Bandha
Jnana Mudra:
Chin Mudra
Pranayama Tecnique(s)
Week 2: Balancing Breaths: Pranayama for relaxation Pranayama Concepts
Anatomy (Subtle)
Bandhas (locks)/Mudras (Seals/Gestures) Vishnu Mudra
Uddiyana Bandha
Pranayama Technique(s)
Week 3: Vigorous Breathing: Kryias Pranayama Concepts
Bandhas (locks)/Mudras (Seals/Gestures) Apana Mudra: Seal of Release, removal and downward energy Pranayama Technique(s) Kapalabhati: The Skull Shining Breath **Contraindicated for Pregnancy, Hernias, and Other Abdominal Tears Kapalabhati is performed as an active and vigorous exhalation followed by a passive inhalation. Kapalabhati sharply engages the transversus abdominus with each exhale. The inhale is passive, resulting in a relaxation of the diaphragm. The exhalation, through the nose, is vigorous. The inhalation is passive. Generally Kapalabhati should be engaged for at least one minute to feel the effects. When a round Kapalabhati is completes the practitioner should remain for a moment in Kiavala kumbhaka (see breath retentions), experiencing the suspended state of the breath. When the need for oxygen returns to the body one should inhale, allowing the breath to touch deeply with in. Bastrika: The Breath of Fire **Contraindicated for Pregnancy, Hernias, and Other Abdominal Tears Bastrika is performed as an active and vigorous exhalation followed by an active and vigorous inhalation. Agni Sara: Abdominal Pumping**Contraindicated for Pregnancy, Hernias, and Other Abdominal Tears Agnisara Kriya is not strictly one of the 6 main Hatha Yoga Kriyas but is the preliminary practice for Nauli - churning of the stomach muscles. It's good to practice Agnisara Kriya for a few weeks to strengthen the abdominal muscles for the practice of Nauli. Agni means fire and Sara means wash so it literally means to wash the fire chakra (Manipur Chakra) located at the navel center. The exercise also stimulates the immune system, increases the power of digestion and increases the heat in the body, burning off toxins Week 4: Full Pranayama Practice Asana Virasana w/ bolcks Sukasana Pranayama Technique(s) Bastrika w/ Hand Gestures 3 rounds 9,15,21 Kaphalabhati 3 rounds- steady, your quickened pace, your pace 2 full mins Durga Breathing Nadi Shodhana Ujayii Meditation- Sat/ Nam (meaning: I am truth, truth is my identity) Full Body Resonance: AUM "Hey your okay you'll be fine, just breathe." Zee Frank Contact the studio at 570-664-0956 to book a private session with Chris.
Boundless Yoga Staff & StudentsWe are continuously interested on how our reactions and responses to our personal journeys, albeit travel, adventure, new job, etc. mirror and reflect our social, emotional and spiritual ups and downs. We try every day to apply what we learn about ourselves on the yoga mat to our personal lives. Thank you for tuning in as we share some of those aspects with you. Archives
December 2024