Sutra 2.26 STHIRA SUKHAM ASANAM Sthira= Steady, stable, motionless; sukham= comfortable, good space; asanam= seat (western translation=posture) The Seat should be steady and have good space. (Asana is a Steady, Comfortable posture) This steady comfortable seat or posture comes from the balance of the two polarities of stability and softness. To perfect the meditation students may draw their attention to two means
Freedom from pairs of opposites: From the attainment of a perfected posture, there arises an unassailable, unimpeded freedom from suffering due to the pairs of opposites such as heat and cold, good and bad, or pain and pleasure (YS 2.47-48) Hips: To prop or not to prop! The question of props in asana may vary from style to style. In a moving flow there may not be enough time to place a support long enough to be effective or a student may not be in a posture long enough to become uncomfortable. Pranayama and meditation generally increase the amount of time spent in a single posture and therefore so does the need for support among many students. Common Struggles
Hero Posture (Virasana) a.k.a. Diamond Seated Posture Possible Props: Bolster, Block, Blankets How To:
Remain in the posture 5-30 minutes. Benefits:
Tips/ Variations: If the pose puts strain on the ankles, place a rolled blanket under them before you sit your weight back onto them. If the knees feel strained or the thighs are tight place a block or bolster under the hips to elevate the pelvis Easy Seat (Sukhasana) Seated Posture Possible Props: Meditation Cushion, Blankets, Blocks How To:
Remain in the posture 5-30 minutes. Benefits:
Tips/ Variations: If your knees are higher than your hips increase the height of your cushion. Experiment with your seat to find the best expression for your body. The more comfortable you make yourself at the beginning the easier it will be to stay in the seat. ![]() About our featured Models Maggie Wetzel: As a yoga instructor, it is with great honor to provide the Vinyasa yoga practice to others, beginners and advance students. Teaching you to optimize a yogic lifestyle to cultivate a healthy and flourishing life. The incorporation of the many aspects of yoga will be shown through teaching, demonstrating, and practicing.Practicing the belief that everything is possible, and nothing is perfect, allows for opening the heart space of those to allow freedom to interpret their own experience. Giving a safe and inviting space to those who seek. ![]() Diane Stanton- Believing that everyone can benefit from yoga, Diane invites her students to build their yoga practices safely from a strong foundation, mindfully listening to their own bodies to discover their unique yoga experiences. Her curiosity of anatomy and body movement is constantly challenging her to learn how the amazing human body works, and how to impart this knowledge to her students in a meaningful way for the enhancement of their practice. Her goal is to provide new students with the opportunity to experience yoga in a safe and enjoyable way Diane's Teaching Schedule ![]() About Chris Loebsack
Boundless Yoga Staff & StudentsWe are continuously interested on how our reactions and responses to our personal journeys, albeit travel, adventure, new job, etc. mirror and reflect our social, emotional and spiritual ups and downs. We try every day to apply what we learn about ourselves on the yoga mat to our personal lives. Thank you for tuning in as we share some of those aspects with you. Archives
December 2024