Welcome to 2015! The new year marks a great time to get clear with your intentions and to expand your choices for healthy living. Our staff has put together a list of their favorite things to keep you healthy and vibrant in the upcoming year and beyond. #1 Linnea pond says: get enough sleepWhile sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most adults need between seven and a half or more hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Being well-rested is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can improve your memory, benefit your heart, increase focus and more. #2 lauren Panick says: Be sure to drink plenty of water!Your body is composed of 60% water, and staying hydrated before, during, and after your practice is crucial for maintaining the balance of fluids in the body. Drinking plenty of water can also help control calories, energize muscles, promote healthy skin, and strengthen digestion! #3 katie mchugh conolly says: get outsideMaking sure you're outdoors for 20-30 minutes on most days, even in winter, can improve mood, physical activity level (depending on what you choose to do while outside), vitamin D level, and your overall feeling of well-being. A short walk, shoveling snow, or even outdoor meditation (bundle up!) can make a big difference. # 4 Chris loebsack says: use sunprotection
# 5 jenn allen says: Food is medicinepick one culinary herb, grow it on your windowsill and learn the benefits that it has for you in addition to taste. For example, Rosemary is a powerhouse antioxidant and antibacterial herb that can also be used as a stimulating hair rinse and digestive aide. #6 brian davis says: cut out excess sugar!Cutting out sugar is hard to do because it is EVERYWHERE, but doing so is one of the easiest ways to improve your diet. Did you know that you will often find sugar in cole slaw, ketchup, pasta sauce, fat-free dressing and crackers? Reading the ingredients label on the food packaging may be tiresome, but how else will you know what you are putting in your body. #7 nicole elwood says: eat more plantsWhy? Moving towards a more whole food plant based lifestyle is good for a healthy body and environment. Vegan diets have been shown to reduce risk of most chronic diseases, even reversing advanced coronary disease and type 2 diabetes. Plus, you are more likely to live longer. Remember, diet isn't an all or nothing situation, just eat more plants! But please, for the love of all that is good in this world, don't invite me over for that nasty Tofurkey. Eat real food. #8 nadya matychak suggets: oil pullingOil pulling method for healthy teeth and gums (An Ayurvedic treatment) 1. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach swish 1 tablespoon of organic sesame or coconut oil (I prefer a coconut oil) in your mouth without swallowing it. 2. Allow the oil to switch between your teeth and gums-try to relax your jaw while you're swishing. 3. Do this for 20 minutes a day for 30 days. 4. After 20 minutes spit the oil out in the garbage (not down the drain) then immediately rinse your mouth with sea salt water. Some of the health conditions oil pulling may help with; Acne, seasonal allergies, dermatitis, eczema, insomnia, gum disease, migraine headaches & sinusitis. #9 Devon blakely suggests: netiFor those of us with sinus problems who don’t want to introduce potentially addictive nasal sprays into our bodies, a neti pot is a wonderful alternative. Rinse your nasal passages twice a day to flush out pollen and other irritants. Put saline solution (a 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 cup warm water) in a plastic squirt bottle or a nasal irrigator, a spouted container that allows you to pour water directly into your nose. The solution should fill your nasal cavity and spill out the other nostril. Gently blow your nose afterward. #10 ann pilcher says: make an appointment with yourselfmy new wellness strategy is to schedule appointments with myself for things that feed my spirit like a yoga class, a fitness class or some personal pampering and actually put it in my outlook calendar. Become your own priority. I will also schedule time to meet a friend for a walk or early run. Having a friend join you automatically creates accountability and keeps me on track while enjoying their company! #11 Val Klass Says: take time to enjoy the momentFind a balance between work, family and play. I began with a 90 day challenge to create more balance and wore a necklace that was given to me as an inspiration for balance. Now when I wear it I smile and realize that I feel more at peace. The changes I have made to let go of being so busy for the sake of being busy was a challenge but I feel I have made progress and have more time to enjoy the moment. #12 inspired by teri barton: prepare more meals at homeEating out can be riddled with unhealthy choices and temptations. By eating at home more often we have the time to make more conscious decisions about how and what we eat. The art of cooking your own food can also be relaxing and meditative and put us back in touch with feeling grounded. #13 Motina Austin Suggests: Dry BrushingThere are special brushes you can get at your local health store for dry brushing your skin. This helps to stimulate the lymph system encouraging body detoxification. The long strokes against the skin are also very soothing to the body. #14 Corinne Farrell says: everything in moderationEverything in moderation from Wine to running; yoga or lifting; work or play. Everything is in its time and place. Everything is balance. #15 inspired by student dr. allen westheim: Get regular check ups!Prevention and early detection are the key to long term health. Be proactive in your health care management. You have many choices in how you want to proceed if something is amiss, but hiding out from the doctors office will not let you know if you have choices to make.
Boundless Yoga Staff & StudentsWe are continuously interested on how our reactions and responses to our personal journeys, albeit travel, adventure, new job, etc. mirror and reflect our social, emotional and spiritual ups and downs. We try every day to apply what we learn about ourselves on the yoga mat to our personal lives. Thank you for tuning in as we share some of those aspects with you. Archives
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