Setting Up: Foundation-Begin sitting back on your heels, place hands on the knees. Action- Lift the knees away from the ground by leaning backwards. Boundary- Only go as far as the ankles and feet will allow without strain. While You are There: Consciously soften. The full expression does have a little balance to it. Ease into the lean back so as not to go too deep too soon. Hold for up to one minute. Modify- Lift only one knee at a time to decrease the pressure and weight bearing on the ankle. Sitting on the heels without the lift might be enough to get a stretch. Extra cushion may be more comfortable under the feet. If it is difficult to sit back towards the heels due to tightness in the quads or knee sensitivity you might place a rolled towel in the crease of the knees or a blanket between the hips and heels. Deepen- The further back you rock towards the toes the deeper the stretch. Transition out of the Pose: As you lower the knees back to the earth it may be natural to shift into Child’s pose or shift forward into table top stretching one leg behind you at a time to release the deeper knee compression. Why (benefits)
When to Avoid (contraindications)
Yang Variation: Same pose for Yang with shorter hold and/or short hold with multiple repetitions ![]() About Chris Loebsack Chris Loebsack, 500 E.R.Y.T, fell in love with yoga in 1995 and began teaching in 2003. Chris uses the power of yoga to create a space for students that cultivates trust, playfulness and Divine connection with themselves and with community. Living by her mantra, Clarity, Integrity and Love, she draws upon her partner yoga practice to share the healing power of touch and safe intimacy. A passion for discovering subtlety in movement has lead Chris to deepen her education with the Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers® kinesiology program. Her playful yet focused classes are filled with user friendly gems of applied anatomy leaving students with a greater understanding of how to find comfort and space in their bodies and smiles beaming across their faces. She encourages teachers to set a higher standard of excellence through knowledge and has become a valuable mentor to many upcoming yoga educators. Chris teaches privates, classes and workshops across the globe. She is currently the director of the Boundless Yoga 200 hr and 500 hr Teacher Training programs and an Adjunct Teacher Trainer for the Om Factory® School of Yoga NYC 200hr, BambooMoves, Bhakti Barn Yoga, Just Plain Yoga, and NearMe Yoga 200hr Teacher Training Programs. She has also been featured in Fitness Magazine®, Yoga Journal: Yoga Mentor, Good an Well, Local Flair Magazine and the New York Times. In addition to yoga you are likely to find her laughing with friends and family or quietly meditating with her cats (Sukha, Fuzz-butt, and Squirrel) or traveling and teaching with her husband Brian M. Davis as Boundless Motion. Boundless Yoga Studio Stroudsburg Classes: Alignment and Anatomy of Yoga (All Levels) Mondays 9:30 am Zen Flow (Level 1/2) Mondays 5:30 pm Flow (Level 2/3) Thursdays 9:30 am Flow (Level 1) Sundays 9:30 am Boundless Yoga Studio Mt. Pocono Class YIN Yoga (Stretch) Tuesdays 6:00 pm Zen Flow (Open Level) Fridays 9:30 am - Begins June 1st, 2018 Upcoming Workshops Events: 7/20-22 The Yin Approach Advanced Studies Program Only 7 spaces remaining as of 6/17 11/3-5 Chair Yoga Advanced Studies Program Fall/Winter 2018- 200 hr The Journey Begins Teacher Training Program 9 Spaces Remaining as of 6/17 Touring Schedule 2018 Contact Chris to register for any of the immersions 7/14/2018 Leighigh Valley Yoga Festival 8/22-Sept 7th Level 2 AcroYoga Teacher Training- Greece 10/5-7 Divine Play- Portland Oregon November 10/11 and 17/18 2 Weekend Ontario AcroYoga Elemental Immersion
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